Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rules and Regs meeting notes

All legislation passed through committee and will be eligible to be voted on next meeting.

The Alternative Revenue Committee got pretty good reviews, although a few wanted it to be in the by-laws. The Fee Task Force Bill got pretty much the same response. Hunter is planning on changing a few small things to make it a bit clearer and a bit more manageable. Both of these bills are exactly what the Senate and SGA should be working hard on to better serve the students as far as fees go.

Officer Reform and Equity in Debate both passed through with a few questions. Equity in debate got very positive feedback and is looking like it should have a great impact on the Senate as a whole. Officer Reform had a lot of hard questions that will most likely take more than two weeks to iron out. I will most likely be tabling this bill once my question and answer session is up next meeting. It simply needs more work.

Sorry about this being a non-comprehensive analysis of the meeting but I have a Fee Task force to get to here in a few minutes. Also I am tired from all the standing votes.

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