Thursday, January 24, 2008

Anti-Discrimination Bill Continued

Anti Discrimination Bills- Failed- These bills simply would not have accomplished the goals they set out to accomplish. While the concept of this issue is very important and should still be addressed these bills were not the way in which to do so. These bills went through an amazing four month process in which they were scrutinized and analyzed to assess if they were beneficial to the student body. As outlined in the constitution the democratically elected and appropriately appointed Senate then took a vote on whether these bills were comprehensive enough to become official Texas A&M University Student Government Association policy. That vote, as you all know, came up as a pretty strong no vote.

However this did not seem to be enough for SBP Prochaska. Prochaska, instead of saying this to the Senate’s face, sent out an email that insinuated that those Aggies who voted against these bills were bad Aggies and intolerant. The Aggies who voted against these bills did as they were elected to do and that is to analyze the legislation and determine whether they felt their constituents’ best interests were best served by the legislation. This is very true with the Aggies who voted for the legislation as well. However they did not get a snide email from the Student Body President calling them bad Aggies.

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