Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just a spoonful of sugar...

This legislation and the surrounding fight was a perfect example of how important it is for senators to not simply kowtow every time the words "discrimination" or "diversity" are uttered. This bill, at its very core, was dedicated to putting A&M on the map for being on the cutting edge of accepting alternate lifestyles. Under the guise of eliminating discrimination on all fronts, this bill tried to get the Student Body of Texas A&M to legitimize terms which have received no legal precedent in the courts, and even asked us to go against the laws of the State of Texas by recognizing the validity of same-sex marriages.

Our discrimination policy should be proactive, but should also function within the structure of current state and federal laws. By trying to use the Student Senate of Texas A&M as a springboard to make headlines, the forces behind this bill risked sacrificing the unity and goodwill of our Aggie Family by making A&M a battleground. We would not be on the cutting edge- we would be on the front line.

The issue of accepting alternate lifestyles is a matter much larger than Student Senate or A&M. It is an issue which we must decide on as a nation. When such a time comes, I look forward to standing up for the rights of all Americans to enjoy the blessings of freedom. I refuse, however, to use the voice of the Student Body to trumpet opinions which they doubtfully hold themselves.

Last night showed that we are farther along on this struggle than we think. Votes were not divided along racial or ethnic lines; those in opponency were not bigots, those in favor were not martyrs. People spoke up from deeply divided hearts, and the result was in my opinion a fair representation of the Student Body.

This was, however, a resounding victory for reason. Instead of our old habits of swallowing the most bitter medicine with a spoonful of "diversity" vocabulary, we gave this legislation the consideration it deserved, and when our minds were made up, each of us voted in accordance with his or her own conscience.

The backlash to come will be bitter, as we've seen from SBP Prochaska's letter to the Senate. It must not, however, deter us from continuing to serve our constituents in the manner for which we were elected.

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