Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Legislation for tomorrow...

In addition to Dr. Murano joining us tomorrow and being welcomed by SGA as President of the University we have a few pieces of legislation. I authored most of the legislation so you probably know how I feel on the subject matter.

Student Input Amendment (4th Reading)- Require one half of one percent of the student body to have some sort of input on any and all fee legislation. This should add a bit more of a conservative approach to getting fees passed through Senate.

Alcohol and AggieBucks (1st Reading)- Pretty simple really, I believe that if you are of the legal drinking age you should be allowed to use AggieBucks to purchase alcohol. The school needs not try to govern the morals of the student body. We are plenty smart enough to make our own decisions about drinking alcohol.

iTunes Bill (1st Reading)- This would have the Senate publish an iTunes podcast after each Senate meeting. While I like the idea I think that the authors should just do it instead of authoring legislation about it. This is what happened with this blog.

Officer Reform Bill (1st Reading)- This bill would do two main things.
1. Make it required that you are currently serving in Senate to be eligible for an officer position.
2. Make the Senate officers responsible to their constituency while serving as an officer. Currently the officers have the ability to author and vote on legislation although they are only responsible to the Senate and not any constituency. The people who run for officer positions are more than capable of doing both jobs. I am currently amending this bill to provide an exclusion for the position of Speaker.

Discrimination Bills (Eleventy Billionth Reading)- These bills have been read so many times I am really getting tired of them. It is obvious that not many in Senate are comfortable with the bills yet are scared to vote no on an anti-discrimination bill. This is a horrible mindset but very understandable. I swear if we table this thing again my head may explode.

Tomorrow should be short and sweet.


Landon P. Proctor said...

The discrimination bills were not voted out of committee. Are they grandfathered by out new by law that says we have to vote on legislation within the committees?

Colt Jim Clemens said...

Actually, if you read the bill that Jess wrote it stipulates that the second reading cannot occur until it passes through committee. Currently its on like its 2,008th reading. This is why this bill and the Student Input Amendment are going to vote tomorrow.