Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Legislation for tonight...

Charge Illegal Aliens Out of State Tuition- Simple and to the point, this bill would charge illegal aliens out of state tuition. Currently there are 65 illegal aliens attending A&M paying in state tuition.

Discrimination Bills- Really simple, they make a good and uniform singular discrimination policy.

Senate Absence Policy- Internal housekeeping, good bill.

Transportation Services Support Bill- Splits lot 72 into two pieces, allowing for half to be pay per hour spots and the other half free.

MSC UCC Catering Bill- Allow for outside catering to be used on campus. Pretty complicated bill. I will write more on it later.

Vacancy Bill- I think this was tabled so I will not talk about it here.

Fair Trade Coffee- Cool bill, won't talk about it here though.

Gilbert Leadership Conference Bill- Make the Gilbert Leadership Conference part of SGA Committees.

Thats all, I will talk more about another big issue coming up in a seperate post.

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