Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Legislation for tomorrow...

Fall Break Bill- Make a fall break, good idea.

Alternative Revenue Committee- Finally a vote, interesting idea, my feel is that it will not work

Officer Reform Bill- Require officers to remain as a senator of the constituency after election. I will most likely table this for two more weeks so I can talk with Cody a bit more.

UIN Bill and By-Law Correction Bill- Constitution housekeeping, good bill

Vacancy Reform Bill- Cool idea, allow for caucus leaders as well as officers to decide the vacancies. I would like to see a few minor changes but nothing too big.

Alcohol and Aggiebucks- Winning combination. You should be able to buy alcohol with Aggiebucks.

Discrimination Bills- Much better this time around. More inclusive and not as exclusive.

Equity in Debate Bill- Stop the interruptions my bill authors during debate, great bill.

Fair Trade Coffee Bill- Bill to support the use of Coffee from small poor countries.

Financial Committee Bill- Make a standing committee that will review all fees before they come to the floor of the Senate. Great bill and I hope this passes.

iTunes Bill- Make a short synopsis of Senate meetings after every meeting. Good idea, however why the hell do they not capitalize the "i" in iTunes. This bugs the hell out of me and upsets my firefox spell checker. I guess the unique spelling is for hipster apple kids (like Election Commissioner Jake Bathman) to feel cool when buying their products.


Riley Bryan said...

I beg to differ on the wonderful caption for Discrimination Bills. These bills are not more inclusive. They are taking what is already protected under most of the policies and creating a single statement to be used. This is not as inclusive as it should be, and there is no reason why new terms that are important couldn't have been added. This bill is more exlusive...not the previous bills that were presented.

Joey Wilkerson said...

I completely support your stance on iTunes.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with Riley, these bills leave out protections that the former ones had. Why?