Sunday, March 23, 2008

Few updates...

Sorry for not posting recently. I have been working on something really big and you all will probably find out about it not next Senate meeting but the next. It has little to do with SGA but some of you may get a kick out of it, I know at least one Senator will be very happy about it.

For non-senators, nothing new or exciting has happened in Senate the last two meetings. Just everybody desperately trying to get Exec council positions for next year by sucking up to the SBP candidates that they think could possibly win (suckups you know exactly who you are).

JCourt and EC stuff- I won my case declaring that Jake Bathman's actions were against the Election Regulations. Funny that the one person who is supposed to know the Election Regulations has screwed up several times. The Regulations are really not that hard to understand, it probably requires a fifth grade reading level at best.

Moving on, Jake is once again refusing to release information that belongs to the Student Body. I was approached by a concerned campaign worker about a potential JCourt case and I was asked to help him look into something. I then asked Jake to let me see the midterm campaign finance reports (information that I have been allowed to see each of the last two elections) and Jake refused. This is not the first time he has refused to release the Student Body's property. If you remember the first JCourt case I filed it was for the release of information that he was illegally holding back as well. The court granted my mandamus and Jake was ordered to release the information.

I really do not know why he continues to act like this but it is getting ridiculous, his actions are childish at best. I did not like all the decisions of the last two Election Commissioners but at least I had respect for them. They always had sound reasoning behind their decisions and were always backed up by the rules. All too often the current Election Commissioner will do something stupid and then say the reason for it was "because I said so."

Jess, Alden, Austin, and some other guy all filed cases to get back on the ballot. Alden and Austin won their cases. Jess did not win although he probably had the strongest case simply because he did not present it properly. You must always go into JCourt prepared and know exactly what the Court wants to hear. He didn't and paid the price for it. It is a shame because although I do not agree with him that much he is a catalytic character in the Senate.

Edit- I suck at spelling. Thanks Michele

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