Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Senate Meeting Wednesday!

Very brief synopsis of bills for Wednesday.

First Year Grade Exclusion Bill- Ask the University to do away with first year grade exclusion and add one Q-drop. Also move back the Q-drop date a little bit. My favorite bill of the year so far. Chair Jennings has done an incredible job with this one.

Modification of Faculty Rules Bill- Makes professors act professionally in the classroom and require them to adhere to University rules.

Budget By-Law Bill- Internal housekeeping that no one outside of the governance room will really appreciate but incredible work by Joshua Sandoval.

Neighborhood Mediation and University Involvement Bill- Supports the Neighborhood Mediation and University Involvement initiatives being worked on.

Attendance Bill- Internal housekeeping, there are a few minor wording faults in the By-Laws as far as attendance.

Alternative Revenue Committee Bill- Good idea, needs much more work. I do not see it working in its current form. There is probably a better yet similar solution.

Committee Voting Bill- If passed, this will require all bills to get the go ahead from committees before they can be heard a second time in front of the Senate. This is how real Senate works, it is a good idea and very fair. This will only require half the people there to vote in favor of a bill being heard again. It will also streamline meetings because if the committee does not feel a bill is ready for a second reading then the Senate will not waste it's time on the bill. This also allows for a second consideration at a later committee meeting. Good bill and very well thought out.

Cain Hall Parking Bill- Give three one hour parking spots behind Cain hall. This is good for Aggies that use Disability Services and Student Counseling services.

Student Input Amendment- Require one half of one percent of the Student Body to be surveyed or otherwise have opinion taken before any fee legislation can pass. This is good on many different levels. Allows for more student input and puts more accountability on the SGA.

Student Learning Center Fee Resolution- Should have been written in a bill form so I will not even go into it until it is changed.

That is all, come out and hear what the Senate is doing.

Most of these are my opinion, it does not represent the opinion of the Student Senate.

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