Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Tearful Tirade

Only in Hollywood or Vegas do honeymoons last shorter of than that between the Gold Administration and the 61st Session.

A couple of crazy kids, in love with the University and with high hopes for each other, dreamt big, their eyes fixes into an unclear future, a future free of limits.

That is, except for Checks and Balances.

The analogy can only go so far, however, because their story ends with a tongue lashing from the Executive.

Best. Marriage. Ever.

Are Senators to be expected to stand idly by while being ridiculed for exercising their constitutional powers and fulfilling the duties to which they swore themselves?

No tears or choked up voice will ever convince us to turn back on what is most important- our Honor.

We Do What We Are Charged To Do...

Well...I think that this past meeting was a great meeting. We said goodbye to a great 60th Session (even though we didn't override the veto for the open records) and said hello to a great 61st Session. Many people may feel that Senate did not do their job correctly this evening, however, I believe that the Senate conducted itself in a respectful, dignified and parliamentary way that reflects good upon the Senate. We did what the Constitution of SGA allows us to do. We scrutizines, questioned, and discussed, and made decisions to better the students. The idea that trust was betrayed is a ridiculous arguement and I stand behind every decision that I made and will support every other Senator in theirs. I think that this is a great start to the year, as we have shown that we are going to ask questions and not be pushed around. At the confirmations last Spring for the 60th Session, we did not ask questions or debate against individuals. We can look at the past executive council and see that if we would have, and not confirmed some individuals, then we could have possiblity stopped problems before they happened. I think the senate decision shows that we are not going to wait to be retroactive, but be proactive in the decisions and the confirmations that we make!

Keep up the good work! I know this is going to be a great year!